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1.VUV photoionization aerosol mass spectrometric study on the iodine oxide particles formed from O3-initiated photooxidation of diiodomethane (CH2I2)

Nana Wei, Changjin Hu*, Shanshan Zhou, Qiao Ma, Pavel Mikuska, Zbynek Vecera, Yanbo Gai, Xiaoxiao Lin, Xujun Gu, Weixiong Zhao, Bo Fang, Weijun Zhang*, Jun Chen, Fuyi Liu, Xiaobin Shan and Liusi Sheng

RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 56779-56787 [DOI: 10.1039/c7ra11413c]

2. Characterization of brown carbon constituents of benzene secondary organic aerosol aged with ammonia

Mingqiang Huang, JunXu, Shunyou Cai, Xingqiang Liu, Weixiong Zhao, Changjin Hu, Xuejun Gu, Li Fang, Weijun Zhang*

Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2017, 74(225), 1-14 [doi.org/10.1007/s10874-017-9372-x]

3. Portable broadband cavity-enhanced spectrometer utilizing Kalman filtering: application to real-time, in situ monitoring of glyoxal and nitrogen dioxide
Bo Fang, Weixiong Zhao*, Xuezhe Xu, Jiacheng Zhou, Xiao Ma, Shuo Wang, Weijun Zhang*, Dean S. Venables, and Weidong Chen
Optics Express, 2017, 25, 26910-26922 [DOI:10.1364/OE.25.026910]

4. Dependence of columnar aerosol size distribution, optical properties,and chemical components on regional transport in Beijing
Shuo Wang, Weixiong Zhao,*, Xuezhe Xu, Bo Fang, Qilei Zhang,Xiaodong Qian, Weijun Zhang*, Weidong Chen, Wei Pu, Xin Wang
Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 169, 128-139 [DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.09.016]

5. 化学放大法测量大气过氧自由基的技术进展
陈杨, 赵卫雄, 徐学哲, 阳成强, 林晓晓, 盖艳波,张为俊*
大气与环境光学学报, 2017, 12(4), 241-253 [DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-6141.2017.04.001]

6. Double Imaging Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Sheds New Light on the Dissociation of State-Selected CH3F+ Ions
Xiaofeng Tang*, Gustavo A. Garcia, and and Laurent Nahon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121(31), 5763−5772 [DOI:10.1021/acs.jpca.7b06038]

7. Pyrolysis of n-butane investigated using synchrotron threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
Xiaofeng Tang*, Xiaoxiao Lin, Yupeng Zhu, Xiangkun Wu, Zuoying Wen, Lidong Zhang, Fuyi Liu, Xuejun Gu and Weijun Zhang*
RSC Advances, 2017, 7(46), 28746-28753 [doi:10.1039/C7RA03990E]

8. Theoretical study of isoprene dissociative photoionization
Qiao Ma, Ming-qiang Huang, Xian-yun Liu, Yan-bo Gai, Xiao-xiao Lin, Cheng-qiang Yang, Liu-si Sheng, Xiao-bin Shan, Wei-jun Zhang*
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017, 30, 1 [doi:10.1063/1674-0068/30/cjcp1606131]

9. Development of an incoherent broad-band cavity-enhanced aerosol extinction spectrometer and its application to measurement of aerosol optical hygroscopicity
Weixiong Zhao*, Xuezhe Xu, Bo Fang, Qilei Zhang, Xiaodong Qian, Shuo Wang, Pan Liu, Weijun Zhang*, Zhengzhu Wang, Dong Liu, Yinbo Huang, Dean S. Venables, Weidong Chen
Applied Optics, 2017, 56(11), E16-E22 [doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.000E16]

10. l.653 um 处甲烷分子谐波探测技术研究
刘盼, 雷佳捷, 方波, 陈家金, 赵卫雄, 张为俊*
应用光学, 2017, 38(2), 264-269 [doi:10.5768/JAO201738.0203003]

11. 气溶胶吸湿和挥发特性测量的 VH-TDMA 装置研究
钱小东, 张启磊, 徐学哲, 方 波, 赵卫雄, 鲍 健, 张为俊*
中国环境科学, 2017, 37(4), 1269-1275 [doi:1000-6923(2017)04-1269-07]

12. Effects of inorganic seed aerosols on the particulate products of aged 1,3,5- trimethylbenzene secondary organic aerosol
Mingqiang Huang*, Liqing Hao, Shunyou Cai, Xuejun Gu, Weixiong Zhang,Changjin Hu, Zhenya Wang, Li Fang, Weijun Zhang*
Atmospheric Environment, 2017,152, 490-502 [doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.01.010]

13. Mass spectral analysis of the aged 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene secondary organic aerosol in the presence of ammonium sulfate seeds
Mingqiang Huang*, Jun Xu, Shunyou Cai, Xingqiang Liu,Changjin Hu, Xuejun Gu, Li Fang, Weijun Zhang*
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26(4), 1531-1537 [DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/66768]

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